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how to know your orisha head


For any long-term goals one needs fulfilled. It is believed that access to the orisha s can be achieved through various types of divination. Shango is the God of Thunder, War, Virility, The Master Drummer, the Master Dancer. These elements ultimately help you live in balance and harmony. Tags: divination, guardian angel, head orisha, initiation, kariocha, misconceptions, oriate, orishas, santeria, terminology. April 2019 Itana Rakic is a certified Theta Healing practitioner, Tarot reader, Astrologer, and a Reiki Master who lives in Belgrade, Serbia. Through real experiences, Embracing Spirituality answers some of life's most difficult questions of the unknown. My advice always is to start with a connection to your ancestors and spirit guides. My Iyatobi Oshainle passed this year and Omi Laibo is my Ojubona. He was considered the creator of this universe. In Europe, in general there has been a huge rise in the practise of the religion and the ceremony of Kariocha has taken place in some countries, amongst them Holland, and Spain. you are partial to bright colors have trouble sharing your personal feelings Many devotees begin each day by sprinkling cool water on or in front of Esu as a way of cooling his temper and asking for pleasantness in their own day. When you are about to bite into some strong cheese, be sure to smell it before eating it. The third is through direct possession, but even this must be confirmed with divination. ", "I am sweet and I love the color yellow so I know I am a child of Oshun. Also bare in mind that even within traditions there are variations. How old is Squidward Tentacles in Spongebob Squarepants? So, when such an orisha chooses you or is trying to contact/work with you, how would you know? Ogun, a warrior Orisha, like all things hot and spicy. are attracted to metals Obatalas day is Sunday. Strengthening your connection with the Ori (your Higher Self) is the first and foremost step in getting connected with your Orisha, for if your Ori is not willing, then all ceremonies and readings concerning Orishas can be for nought. costumes In fact, in Nigeria sometimes whole families belong to a particular orisha, and surely everyone in that family does not have the same personality. Getting back in tune with nature. PS I also have adhd which predicts that I will decorate the entire house with different colours every few years! This is an expensive ceremony, and its not something that can be done on a whim, so much is there to be done and explored about the Orishas before you reach the stage for Kariocha. What should you do? First of all, to pray for a head one must have a lot of heart and that the religious's hands are spiritually fresh and clean, because by putting our hands on the body of another person and more on his head, we are offering a part of our life. practical jokes In this article well address some of the misconceptions around the guardian orisha, clarify how a persons tutelary orisha is determined, and why you should or shouldnt know who it is. Only way to confirm is to have a reading done to determine your guardian Orisha. If you are a child of Obatala, you may find that you are enamored with ideas, analytical, cerebral, introverted, and monogamous. Others may seek you out for your wisdom. As a child of Ogun, you may notice these characteristics within yourself. travel Over and over, experienced elders will say: these things take time. The head orisha is the right divine current of spiritual energy that person needs for his or her life to be balanced so his or her ultimate destiny can be attained. Conversely, you might feel very sure of yourself and your intuition, and you might find this whole experience very easy and natural something youve waited your whole life for. You share many personality traits with your guardian spirit. as a woman, you enjoy the company of strong males Chang is one of the most common head orishas in Santera Lucum. Reading is a good start these days. For more details, see our full affiliate marketingdisclosure. Ultimately, however there will be a connection with Cuba or the US, or other places since so far (as far as I know) there have been no Kariocha ceremonies in the UK, although there have been less complicated ceremonies. Also have a look at these Online resources: A fantastic resource with alot of good advise for new comers. A perfect day for marriage. Different cultures have different beliefs about the head Orisha. These are legitimate initiations in those religions but are not a traditional part of Santeria Lukum. The orishas that can be tutelary orishas in Santera Lucumi/Lukumi are: Aggayu is crowned through a ceremony called Chang oro Aggayu. Most orisha houses perform the head-marking in one of three ways: The erindiloggun (cowrie shells) of the godparent's orishas are read in a specific head-marking reading. Those who came before us who are related to us by blood. If it is possible, make your offering during a thunderstorm. His domain is the Sky, Clouds, Mountaintop. Ogun is the god of war and iron and the patron of blacksmiths in the Yoruba and other diasporic traditions. In addition to running the Choir and guiding Godchildren in the Lucumi faith. Choosing a godparent, should take time and building up a relationship should also take time. My Branch of the religion is La Pimienta. Sign 7: Also, take a look at Alusi (the Igbo pantheon), Loa, a List of Yoruba deities and West African mythology in order to check if any of the signs and names youve been seeing or hearing, ring a bell. The average person generally wants to know simply for the sake of knowing. You should not be focusing on one orisha. you have had some experience or sense of the dead Obatala may well be your guardian Orisha if: you are more cerebral than physical Knowing a persons guardian orisha is putting the cart before the horse. It is said that most of these avatars and enlightened spirits first existed in the etheric realm the realm of the spirits (Orun), and that then they came down into human bodies on the Earth as divine beings (Irunmole). Which Orisha Do You Most Identify With? The union should be blessed by the head Orisha of the Olorisha before making any commitment. However, in some houses or communities, practitioners believe that your head Orisha changes until you become fully initiated. In the Afro Cuban branch (My branch) Eleggua (Esu/ Elegba) day is Monday. The colors and numbers associated with each Orisha are listed in a separate chart. you can talk people into whatever you want But one of the two claim a more dominant role (claims our head/ crown). gold fish that habita in the currents, provocative woman, goddess of gold and wealth. With the growing awareness of Santeria, people find themselves infatuated with the orishas. I would also like to say that the Lucumi Path is only one variation of what may be labelled as Orisha worship. Place this on a plate and offer it to Ogun for a successful outcome to the surgical procedure. SAFE Alert Fraudulent Orishas Sold Online, Honoring Ancestors in the Traditional Lucum Way, How to Learn Santera Studying the Religion. But, it's also a time when newcomers hear about these Orichs for the first time and feel a sudden attraction to them. A persons tutelary orisha (also called a head orisha, guardian orisha or guardian angel) is the orisha that claims a persons head. Chili peppers, peppercorns, and jalapeos are all suitable offerings to Esu. Oshun is the goddess of love, sensuality, sexuality, fertility, all that make life beautiful and worth living. you love to flirt Therefore, the identity of our Orisha is extremely important for us in the religion. They leap to a quick conclusion that this or that one is the owner of the head, when their knowledge of that Orich is very limited and incomplete. Taboos given during this reading typically hold until the person initiatea to their head orisha. you love the color red you love parties brightly colored clothes These are also legitimate and traditional initiations with a procedural adjustment. While this is a powerful and moving experience, in this day of people faking possessions it is necessary to confirm what was revealed through divination just for good measure. you prefer to be monogamous If you see the number 5 a lot (my two most recent apartments were on the 5th floor), are attracted to the color yellow or gold and enjoy sweets, specifically honey, then you too may be a child of Oshun.. How many Orisha can you have? March 2015 The offerings are always presented to the head starting with the "third eye" area, moving to the top of the head and proceeding to the base of the skull. I have seen too many instances that money will buy you any ceremony that you wish to purchase. The Spirits of Africa Numerology Oracle Card Deck, Connecting w/ Your Ancestors, 2nd Edition. For houses that are Ocha-centric and do not work with Babalawos, this would be the moment you are marked for kariocha. you have more than your share of headaches and colds. Orisha: Kind and Loving or Punishing Energies? However, in traditions that believe in two, one spirit governs the head, and the other guards the feet. This is a Santeria/Lukumi practice for houses that work with babalawos. Those that have made the time to connect, are better equipped to find the right home for themselves spiritually. Your guardian Orisha is also responsible for maintaining balance in your life and keeping things running smoothly. And besides. there are additional orishas crowned beyond those mentioned above. you are not afraid of physical combat March 2017 Thus, Orishas are seen as intermediaries between the humans and the Olodumare the supreme being that is beyond human perception, and the constructs of time and space, as it is an omnipotent and omnipresent being that created the Universe. July 2012 Depending upon the circumstances, as many as nine are offered at one time. I was born from Obatala and Yemaya. you are slow to anger you prefer classical or quiet music to rock or rap She majored in Japanese Language and Culture at the University of Belgrade and went on to write many holistic articles for various magazines and sites, including 'Witch's Review'. If you have to own a weapon for a fight, which of this item would you pick? When an Orisha chooses you or contacts you, it means that you are called to your human purpose (here on Earth), and you need to receive divine help and guidance from the Orishas (and your ancestors). There are two (maybe three) ways a persons tutelary or guardian orisha is determined. She is one of the most popular and venerated orishas. A guide to receiving what, with whom and what it means! The babalawos will beat the palm nuts and mark out odu on the table of if (opn if) and determine which orisha rules that persons destiny. Shango may well be your guardian Orisha if: you are extremely articulate Quiz, Grammar Quiz: Test your Grammar Knowledge with questions. But also first steps first, make sure you pay attention to your ancestors. This deity is popularly known as the 'God of Thunder and Lightning .'He is also known as one of the greatest warriors of the Yoruba mythologies. Sheep, guinea fowl, hens, pigeons, raw or cooked fish, and palm wine are also acceptable. Offer one to Obatala. Everyone in the Santera community celebrates and honors them on their special days. A person's head orisha is not a matter of choice or preference; the tutelary orisha is 3. So yes, for every force of nature, there is a spiritual being governing it. New Direction for the London Lucumi choir. Doing so will typically set them on the right path to achieving their soul mission. This deity is mainly known for being a go-getter and initiator. At this time we are limiting the amount of appointments for this important divination to 10. She loves the honey and all of its sweetness. you hate confinement on any level This deity is popularly known as the 'God of Thunder and Lightning . you enjoy darker colors 3 Proper Ways of Dapping Up, Clix Haircut: How To Style Your Hair Like Fortnite Pro Clix, Gavi Haircut: How To Get The Iconic Pablo Gavi Hairstyle. The cost for this divination will be $100. Before proceeding further, you should determine whether your Ori (Higher Self spirit that resides in your head trying to play out your destiny on Earth given to you by Olodumare) will cooperate in assigning a Head Orisha to you. Nana Clara Aldrin Quaye & Lilli Elena), Follow oshunschild's Blog: Simply my thoughts and feelings about being an Iyalocha in London on Given below is amazing how to find my Orisha quiz that will tell which orisha represents your personality. Remember the oath you choose is solely your decision. Making Ocha and the Initiation Procedure. Take this quiz to find out which of the Yoruba Orishas you the most similar to!! This can be a confusing and foggy process, so its crucial to trust your gut and intuition to guide you on this very unfamiliar path. Though, these devices are beneficial for gaining spiritual knowledge for other purposes. It looks like the Orisha that matches your personality is Shango. It is unacceptable for this ceremony to be done with the okuel (diviners chain). Our religion is a way of life, and there are no magical spells, or potions that are going to bring you in line with your destiny. - Original Botanica Which Orisha Do You Most Identify With? In this video, I explain what a head Orisha is and what it means for an Orisha to have your head. Yemonja/Olukuns day is Monday. you are more comfortable being in control of relationships Nine colored ribbons or the old fashioned childrens pinwheel toys, which harnest and react to the wind, are also excellent for Oya. Occasionally orishas will descend onto their priests to speak and interact with others. While the power of the Orishas is legendary, one doesn't become initiated for power or for money. Still, the process is much more complicated than reading a natal chart, tarot or oracle cards, bones, or similar divining tools. I am a Lucumi Iyalorisha and I am proud of my lineage. So, when an orisha deity chooses you, what does it mean? They take on board the advice and it serves them for that moment in time. I would say do some research first. The Mandela Effect: Did Coca-Cola Change Its Logo? taking orders I Have written about Latin Music, and I am passionate about singing and encouraging everyone to sing. It may mean that the Orich has a special fondness for the client, and over time, it may be revealed through the correct ceremonies that in fact that Orich is the owner of the client's head. The best day to perform rituals for prosperity or financial success. For digging the foundation for your home. Take the raw meat and rub it on all four tires of the automobile while asking Ogun for his protection and blessings. When you choose your godparents, you are also choosing to belong to a lineage and a way of doing things. By. Educate yourself and understand that there are roles that Babalawos have that Olorishas dont have and vice versa. Each system differs in how it determines your head Orisha. Children Of Esu/ Elegba (Eleggua) Will Enjoy: sex There is a growing phenomenon of people wanting to know who their orisha is, along with a desire to worship and work with that orisha directly. They are good at getting things started and tend to be very strong-willed. They guide and influence the power of other spirits in our lives. How do you know if you are a child of Oshun? Today I found a dead bird in my bulconny just below the window. as a male, you enjoy the company of strong women It is disheartening to visit tambors where Olorishas dont understand protocol, how to salute Anya, or the singing of the songs etc. And by knowing who our Orisha is, we also learn to know ourselves better. Ob is only used for yes or no questions. Leave the meat by the railroad track. Rooster and male goat are also offered. large groups of people & parties Therefore, it has very little to do with personality. A good day chiefs by virtue of their intention to remain in one location for a length of time. There are even espiritistas (spiritualists) who will declare a persons tutelary orisha in a spiritual mass (misa), or use tarot cards to determine who their orisha is. your life has been filled with sudden change good food They may be unknowingly violating certain taboos or otherwise out of alignment. you have difficulty with highly spiced foods Even without the readings and (expensive) ceremonies, if you put energy and work into your Orisha research, you might be able to get connected with your Head Orisha and start a bountiful spiritual journey. To find out which Orich claims your head, you have to undergo one of two possible ceremonies: In iles (houses) that are Ifa-centric, Babalawos (Priests of Orula) use palm or cola nuts to draw out the Odu (sign or letter) that signals the owner of the person's head. Nothing happens without him. Personal Religious Items. Because our tutelary Orisha plays such an essential role in our lives, it is probably not surprising that the process of discovering the identity of our Orisha is a major ceremony in itself. Kariocha means "to seat the orisha", and in this ceremony a person's tutelary orisha is seated on their head; they are literally crowned with that orisha. When you make your offering ask Shango for the specific help you need. Her domain is the fresh river waters. many friendships within their own gender Sometimes during an ordinary consulta, a diviner might tell the client: "You're the child of " and mention a specific Orich's name. being on time Trips to Cuba now are more and more expensive and if you can afford to go on a regular basis, then consider that economically there will always be an imbalance of power between yourself and those that you choose to guide you. I formed the London Lucumi Choir in 2006 which has performed all over the UK, in major theatres such as the Barbican, the Southbank and Union Chapel, Rich Mix, The British Museum and the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. dancing Which Simpsons Character Are You Most Like? Watermelon is a favorite of this deep-water Orisha. Following are the Orisha (Your Guardian Orisha). Plante in Los Angeles on Saturday, January 23rd, 2007. In the case of one guardian spirit, this energy governs the head. Some things are limited to explain in written language. MY PATREON TEAM for private live-streams, private lessons, recipes, money and love hacks, and a 15 minute consultation! oshunschild's Blog: Simply my thoughts and feelings about being an Iyalocha in London, Information about Uk wide spiritualist churches, Information about the College of Psychic Studies, Good information and advice. This ritual is commonly known as a Plante or Bajn and involves the highest Oracle available in the religion, namely the Table of If. sensuality. Which of these quality suits your personality? Finding a Godparent and Religious house. Ob can be used to open the bajada reading but the sixteen cowrie shells (diloggn) are what speak and deliver the news of that persons tutelage. Useful for long-range planning and the perfect day for the preparation of amulets and charms for longevity and good health.

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