The Dec. 2 reorganization meeting swore in newly elected board members Sherri Becker, Ron Stoloff, Tracie Walsh and Joe Honeycutt, paid tribute to out going president Young Park and saw the election of Charles McIntyre and Burunda Prince-Jones as the new board president and vice president, respectively. It has an annual revenue of $105,440,000. Board action may occur at a work session. Chris enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter, two cats and a horse, which is a whole other story. "I'd like to thank the Wissahickon School District community, for. One of several candidates considered for the position, Hayman was appointed to the board by a vote of 5-3 at the conclusion of the Feb. 9 meeting and will be inducted Feb. 23. Remedial actions to address overages may include but are not limited to the hiring of an additional teacher, an itinerant teacher or a classroom assistant, the policy states. Virtually via Zoom (for making a public comment). Relative is defined as a spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, in-law or immediate step-family of a district employee. Ana Page Board Member Trustee Area 3* Term: 2020-2024. To ensure a response, the person must follow the appropriate board procedure (described below). If you are interested in serving as a board member, please complete an application on Our Board of Directors web page. Periodically, the Policy Committee meets to review and discuss recommendations for its policy manual. This year, we're setting our sights on Bells Mill Road and it's parallel tributary.Bells Mill is the only road that runs through the park and crosses Forbidden Drive. At one point during her three-minute speech, she slighted Park by saying she was glad to see he would no longer be able to insult the parents who came to meetings. The Board policy manual serves as an instrument to guide the decision making process affecting all aspects of the Wissahickon School District organization. Please note if no questions were asked at a meeting, no Q & A will appear. Steve Jones serves as WRVs Treasurer and helps with our annual restoration planning. All Board Meetings can be viewed on Comcast Channel 28 and Verizon Channel 41. Considering and passing upon the recommendations of the Superintendent in all matters of policy, appointment or dismissal of employees, salary schedules or other personnel regulations, courses of study, selection of textbooks, or other matters pertaining to the welfare of schools. When the presiding officer announces your name, please unmute your microphone and state your name, address, municipality of residence, and the agenda topic for which to make a comment. Ian discovered his love of nature in the garden of his childhood home in Camden, NJ, and hes been fascinated by urban wildlife and plant communities ever since. TAs such, these groups are charged with knowing, reviewing, and abiding by the policies set forth in this reference manual. Mr. Her comment raised the attention of Solicitor Scott Wolpert, who asked that she avoid personal attacks. Justin Heinze, Patch Staff Posted Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at. Concerned parents protest the abrupt firing of Supt. Ron is a retired self-employed Systems Analyst serving in the human services sector throughout Pennsylvania for 27 years. Adopting an annual budget and appropriation measures. The candidates who missed out on a spot on the board were Democratic newcomer James Asman (3,985 votes), Barbara Ullery (3,957), Charles McIntyre (3,891), David Kopp (3,850) and Barner (3,823).. Prince-Jones then thanked Park for his service and welcomed the new board members. These policies are applicable to school directors, students, employees, families and community members. The Board usually meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. MEMBERS Michelle Delgado She lives in the Fairmount neighborhood and enjoys exploring Philadelphias parks with her husband, Jeff and their dog, Lido. We understand that, we embrace that. The Wissahickon Board of School Directors is a memberof the Pennsylvania School Board Association (PSBA). He and his wife Mara live in Mt. During an October 25th meeting of the Wissahickon School Board, three parents objected to the graphic novel Gender Queer being available in the Wissahickon High School library. Katie Meyer, Wissahickon School District, WEOF Grants Coordinator, Mwenyewe Dawan, Ed.D., Wissahickon School District, Assistant Superintendent, Wissahickon Educational Opportunities Foundation (WEOF) 2018, Saturday March 4, 2023 2:05 pm (America / New York) appserver3, Blue Bell Elementary Common Grant Application, Lower Gwynedd Elementary Common Grant Application, Shady Grove Elementary Common Grant Application, Stony Creek Elementary Common Grant Application, Wissahickon Middle School Common Grant Application, Wissahickon High School Common Grant Application. Remedial actions to address overages may include but are not limited to the hiring of an additional teacher, an itinerant teacher or a classroom assistant, the policy states. an open forum to discuss the issues of the day in the Wissahickon School District. Please join us in keeping our beloved Wissahickon green and diverse for future generations. He has been active in WRV for over twenty years. First of all, I thank the board for the confidence youve placed in me and the support that youve given me and will give me throughout the year, McIntyre said. You may access the specific details for each Zoom meeting by clicking on the event on the School Board Calendar. She is a co-organizer of Creative Resilience Collective, a health justice organization that partners with communities and advocates to improve access to self-determined mental health care. In other news, the board discussed updating the class size policy, in response to difficulties at the beginning of the 2014-15 school year due to late registrations. SUMA Module 12: Societies and Empires of Africa Study online at 1. The school board has appointed Dr. James Krisfield as the district's new superintendent. WRV is a small but mighty organization. Hayman worked for the Wissahickon School District for nearly 25 years, teaching fourth grade at Lower Gwynedd, Blue Bell and Stony Creek elementary schools. Executive sessions are closed-door meetings and are confidential in nature. History of Hoosick New York. The policy states that class assignments will be sent out five business days before school begins, and no additional classes will be added for late registrations before school starts. When appropriate, follow up responses will be posted on the Districts website ( (215) 798-0044 In 2018, she co-founded Creative Resilient Youth, a creative art and leadership platform for Philadelphia-area youth to influence the future of youth mental health care and education through collective art-making. Click here to learn more about the Wissahickon Board ofSchool Directors. This association provides important training and services for our school directors to support their work in advancing excellence in education. Special meetings and committee meetings are called on an as-neededbasis. We havent forgotten that. Hayman worked for the Wissahickon School District for nearly 25 years, teaching fourth grade at Lower Gwynedd, Blue Bell and Stony Creek elementary schools. Fox Rothschild LLP We want you to help us out. He said he understood the criticisms about a lack of dialogue during public comments and said the board would try to find ways to allow for that. P. O. The motion to accept the new nepotism policy was lost after a 4-4 vote, with board members Becker, Prince-Jones, Ron Stoloff and Tracie Walsh voting against it. Team 4 Wissahickon. Scientific and Cultural Facilities District. Hayman will serve the remainder of Singers term, through December 2015, and said she intends to run for a full-term seat on the board. Must be 21+ years old to attend. Candidates for School Board of Directors in the Wissahickon School District For the benefit of the entire Wissahickon community, the answers to a question asked during a meeting are posted on this page. Ron has attended extensive seminars, symposiums, and classes related to trees, nature, and the environment, including ISAs Arborist Short Course. While the policy prohibits the board from hiring relatives of district employees, the board has the authority to make exceptions. Once a year, the meeting is held at the Branch Library at 209 Race Street in Ambler. The Board usually meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. A maximum of five (5) speakers will be heard on the same topic. She said the administrations choice to recommend the closure of Mattison Avenue Elementary School awoke a number of parents. The new policy states, relatives of board members, cabinet members, administrators and employees will not be offered employment and/or be hired by the district.. Ticket sales begin on Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. The Board Chairwill respond to the concerns in writing after having time to review the issue. Elementary school closing, as this will be a discussion addressed separately through public hearings and direct discussions with the School Board and the administration. The meeting is held at the Main Library at 650 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell. Ronnie Hayman, right, newly appointed to fill the vacancy left by Janice Singer's resignation, receives a hug from Wissahickon School Board Vice President Burunda Prince-Jones, following Monday night's meeting Feb. 9, 2015. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes. 25 members named to Wissahickon School Board's Facilities Community Input Group. She is currently an MLArch candidate at Temple University, where her work centers accessibility, emphasizes community involvement, and reflects on cultivating people/plant relationships. He has personally planted thousands of trees, hundreds of bare-root trees, about a hundred B&B trees, and uncountable container trees and shrubs throughout Upper Dublin Township, Ambler Borough, and the Wissahickon Valley. On April 25, 2022, school directors talked about two key issues: 2022-23 state budget needs and fair charter school funding reforms. At the end of the four-year term, directors may run for re-election to successive terms. The committee will not be making recommendations to the board, but rather be a sounding board to provide community opinion and perspective to the board on the administrations recommendations. Steve is a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist. The Wissahickon School Board shut off its vacancy sign Monday night, appointing Ronnie Hayman to fill the seat left by Janice Singer. DeLaurentis screamed back, Dont event start! a number of times at Wolpert before she wrapped up her speech. Work session public meetingsare held monthly and are used for discussion of the agenda items presented. "Our students from 7th to 12th grade deserve an education from the Wissahickon School District teachers, that's why we . These days, Chris is a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, certified Tree Tender, and a member of the Springfield Township Environmental Advisory Commission. . Please allow at least oneweek for the Chair to respond. His 14 years of service exemplifies his commitment to the students of our district as well as public education. Its only going to work if all of us are a part of this together. Follow Eric Devlin on Twitter @Eric_Devlin. Nicole has a B.S. Regular public meetings are held monthly, and the Board will vote on the agenda items presented and discussed at the work session. It was a changing of the guard for the members of the Wissahickon School Board. Becker explained that the school scrambled at the beginning of the year to accommodate the 70 late registrants. Typically, work sessions precede the regular meeting unless otherwise noted. When the presiding officer announces your name, please come to the podium and state your name, address, municipality of residence, and agenda topic for which to make a comment. LOWER GWYNEDD >> The Wissahickon School Board shut off its vacancy sign Monday night, appointing Ronnie Hayman to fill the seat left by Janice Singer. Residents and community members of the Wissahickon School District areinvited toattend monthly public Board meetings (i.e., work sessions, regular meetings, special meetings, and committee meetings)of the Wissahickon Board of School Directors,which are conducted under the guidelines of the Sunshine Act, as outlined in Board policy #006 Meetings. The policy will return to the committee for further review. We want your ideas, he said. He manages the native plant nursery for LandHealth Institute and enjoys hands-on environmental education for young people. Becker also brought an updated nepotism policy before the board, which spurred some discussion among members. Before putting the policy up to a second and final reading, Becker noted that she would be voting against the new policy, because of her opinion that the policy should only be applicable to employees involved in the hiring process board members and administration not teachers and staff in the schools. WRV is a member-supported nonprofit dedicated to protecting and improving the natural environment of the Wissahickon. Anyonewishing to address the Board must show up prior to the meeting and make their intention known to the Board Chair or the person presiding over the meeting. Look for the current year playlist (i.e. Overall, the district spends $13,586.8 million on instruction, $6,786.5 million on. Members are elected for terms of four years. As part of the , a Community Input Group (CIG) was created with stakeholders from the schools, the school board, the administration as well as from the community.
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