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sun conjunct mars composite lindaland


In our synastry his Mars is exactly opposed my Neptune. It must be true because my best friend told me she thinks she found her soulmate in her boyfriend, and she knew from the first day they met and when I checked their composite they did indeed have that tight stellium and all planets clustered together. CompositeChart:VenusUranusAspects You inspire each other to express yourselves to the hilt, and the energy that is generated between you as a couple can be exciting, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, but always interesting! A semi-square suggests that these bodies are at a 45-degree angle, leading to conflict between the energies. I had this stellium with all of them, and also with all of my crushes except for one. Whenever it squared venus, something always happened to where it just fell apart asap. Not surprisingly, my husband and I have a 8th house composite Sun. Yeah we have composite sun perfectly conjunct venus in the 7th, conjunct DSC, with a wider conjunction (8 degrees) to a Neptune Mercury conjunction in the 6th house. Composite Sun conjunct Juno and Venus in the 1st house- Venus conjunct South Node also in the 1st-11 years marriage and still going but very rocky, personality clashes, frequent fights. You excel together in athletics, vigorous outdoor activities, and the like. Yeah, NEPTUNE is a tricky devil. mars afflicted by pluto or saturn? Our friendship has not always been very communicative, meaning we dont call each other every day or something. The connection is full of sexual undertones and desire, and they can stimulate each other to work harder and pursue their dreams. Make love not war might be your motto. CompositeChart:VenusJupiterAspects Any not-so-obvious thoughts or ideas from you? The Business(es) all in the Sun. They usually spend much less time talking than doing things, such as outdoor activities or being intimate. Imaginative and artistic souls can use this transit for art and crafts because the Sun favors all types of creative expression. I'm just wondering if anyone has been able to get through a relationship where they tend to idealize their partner non-stop to have a functional happy relationship. My moon is in Gemini, so how could I not feel comfortable with this one. WE did start out as a clandestine affair and have pretty much stayed that way, execpt for 2 outings and 3 attempted outings, but they always fell through. I suppose if you look at it in a traditional way, Mars in Taurus is in detriment since it is in better placement with Scorpio, so it could mean the relationship is moving at a slow pace, slow consummation of the relationship, etc. Sun conjunct Mars in synastry means that two persons will feel an undeniable sexual attraction for each other. Sun Conjunct Mars Synastry, Transit, Composite, Moon Conjunct Mars Synastry, Transit, Composite, Mercury Conjunct Mars Synastry, Transit, Composite, Moon Conjunct Mercury Synastry, Transit, Composite, Sun Conjunct Mercury Synastry, Transit, Composite, Gemini in 9th House Natal, Meaning, Cusp, Gemini in 3rd House Natal, Meaning, Cusp, Cancer in 1st House Natal, Meaning, Cusp. What about the "generation(al?)" We talk a lot, and take care of our elders in a practical way. They have to find a way to express that energy in a creative way because theres a risk of fiery competition and arguments. Part of the essence of your relationship has to do with fostering confidence and a positive, active approach to life. but it makes it a *whole* lot easier to share a life with someone you have a strong Sun with. Its part of a stellium with the Asc in early Sag. It shows where and how the couple shine and express their vital life energy. ------------------$3.50 ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? The most you can hope for is to spur one another on to creative accomplishment, but frequently you end up battling and vying for position and dominance. However, Sun conjunct Mars transit is not limited to arts and sports only. Mars + Chiron = Willpower but in the same Stellium we also have Saturn and Neptune. Would having lots of Saturn help stabilize the delusional energy? You have an entire chart that describes your relationships, not just this one aspect. There might be egos trying to get gratified at the other's expense. curiositina, I would think it gives another perspective. CompositeChart:VenusNeptuneAspects Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: You bring out the warrior in one another, and without intending to, you both polarize against one another. mercury or the moon afflicted by mars? It is essential for you to find some way to channel all the energythat you might be feeling to feel more grounded and balanced. If all the other planets and aspects align as well as possible, these people can be unstoppable. Your reliabilitymakes you the first choice whenever people face some sort of difficulty, making you generous as well. Although you will feel capable of everything during the transit, ensure you focus all that energy on something constructive. She kept refering to the baby as a "he", and I have a feeling the baby is a boy, and everyone so far has told me they have the same inclination. This information has been a huge blessing to me today. Thus every discussion between Sun conjunct Mars partners will be highly personal on both sides. Or sex lol or a strong attraction. But it has always been characterized by fairness and reciprocity. Conflict may be difficult at times though, so you need to compromise without compromising your beliefs. Due to your ambition, passion, charm, authority, generosity and sexual appeal, you are bound to create waves around you, attracting people to you and the energies that you give off. Due to the immense energy that you have, however, having a productive channel or outlet can help you release your pent-up energy without having it simmer inside you and bubbling to burst out at any point. This type of Pluto square Mars synastry is very fickle since the woman (identifying with the figure of the animus) loses herself in the subconscious motives of her partner. This is mainly because you don't care if you seem different from other people. Sent 5 times a week. Conjunctions in astrology suggest that two planets or bodies alignthemselves with each other, bringing their energies together and having effects on the expression of your personality traits, your relationships and your thoughts and actions. The impulsive and headstrong Sun conjunct Mars person exhibits great energy and enthusiasm. Going on 20 years. Accept that your energy cycles are not always in agreement, and dont push each other to be active when the other simply wants to take a break. The "Solar" constantly seeks to influence the "Lunar", dominating the emotional aspect of the relationships. Everything between them feels fast-paced and energetic, so they quickly go from one relationships stage to another. In the midpoint composite, Sun conjunct Jupiter in Leo falls in the 11th. But with this guy, I was strongly physically attracted to him, his Mars was conjunct my Sun in synastry as well. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'astromajesty_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_24',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astromajesty_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');The transit will equip you with the necessary courage, and you will feel ready to strive toward your goals. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. I'll take all the advice I can get. A Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect indicates that the two individuals each have certain relationship energies that are intensified when they are together. In fact, if there is anything at all that you disagree with, you are bound to get up, say your part and prove your point in the way that you know best. This is a very dynamic composite aspect, and you may find that you get a lot more done when you are around each other than most couples who may easily slip into a lazy or too comfortable pattern. Thanks, Estella. They see each other as a natural choice of a partner. You should consider whether chart ruler is essentially or accidentally dignified. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: Together you will be inspired to take action and do things that you may not have had the courage or confidence to do as single individuals. Required fields are marked *. With Composite Sun conjunct Composite Venus, this can increase the love and affection between you. Even if they meet in a crowded room or a party, they will sense the presence of the other and go toward it. Our Sun and Moon also trine with each other. The Sun is in Pisces, conjunct tightly with Mercury (<1 degree)a curious one. Stellium in the fifth, including Sun, in two partnerships. We have sun in gemini in the 8th house, along with mercury and chiron. This can help keep things enjoyable and exciting for both of you. Best composite chart I have ever seen! We took over a failing family business when we got married to build it to a large corporation, we work so well as a team in business. There can be some basic clash of egos in your relationship, and this is likely to be the root of the minor irritations or combativeness. like ever. It is almost as if troubles and conflicts excite them. With Sun conjunct Mars in synastry, there is a real physical connection between the two that generally presents itself as sexual attraction and physical chemistry. And our composite Mars is perfectly conjunct Chiron in the 11th house but totally Unaspected. Two planets sharing the same place means that each of them wants to prevail and dominate. With Composite Sun conjunct the Composite Moon, your masculine and feminine energies can sync up in an easy way, along with your wants and needs. For another person this could be great. They enjoy the quest itself, and it makes them feel more excited about whats coming after. He is the provider and I am the home and manager of ithe does all the work in the world and I do all the work in the home, from the finances to the lawn to homeschooling my 3 kids. They seek each other and feel that their bodies hurt if that desire is not satisfied. Hmm. Lots of power struggles and verbal fights. Sun in Gemini in 11th house Taurus. Both Sun conjunct Mars partners believe that the other is their ideal type and that theyre meant to stay together. But I will be happy to see them with such a beautiful relationship, and hopefully we'll have another baby that will be "mine", so to speak. Yep were the best of friends. Go for a walk, or make love! The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a combination brimming with energy. One cat for each of us of course . Theres no overthinking with these persons. They are go-getters who move forward despite obstacles and self-doubt, trusting their instincts and desires to get what they want out of life. A circle linked with a line () is a visual representation of the conjunction, which implies that two objects coexist in the same space. Make sure you learn some ways to think about your immediate impulsesinstead of always acting on them first even though this may sometimes have proved useful in the past. Not many people are competitive like these individuals. There's nothing wrong with a little idolizing or keeping the fantasy alive. We live for transformation via exchange of energy and thrive in 8th house realms like death and psych, healing and regeneration. Ok thanks.Does this aspect bring sexual attraction or sex? The Mars person . I just am too attached to him. We have a composite grand trine with Mercury, Uranus and MC and no matter how difficult we are feeling with each other we have always been able to talk about money. Posts: 1437 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012: posted October 20, 2012 04:45 PM Do any of you specialize in that department? I ran across this thread and like it alot. The composite sun shows the purpose of a relationship. The Sun conjunct the Moon synastry The Sun conjunct the Moon synastry embodies a natural principle of polarity between creative and perceptual factors. The effect of this aspect varies, as each pair of planets will interact differently with each other. It's like pluto but stronger. Sign up here! Oh, I should also mention that sun opposite venus in the composite is interpreted the same way as Sun conjunct venus so if you have sun opposite venus conjunct mercury (whether mercury is conjunct the venus or the sun it doesnt matter) it is basically and almost identical energy, except that for some reason the people seem to have opposite but complimentary personalities. The Moon our emotions, family life or challenges to etc etc. Exciting projects, exciting relationships and exciting contexts can all provide fulfillment, but make sure you learn to find the right channels for your energy and impulses. You are also highly competitiveand prefer sticking to the point and getting things done instead of beating around the bush. Our partnership took WORK! The angles planets form with each other at the time of our birth, reveal details about us. It is called venus conjunct saturn (in our synastry). Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! But people with Sun conjunct Mars will also often go far to be the number one or reach some a leadership position. I've posted my chart with the guy that I'm talking about before, and we have an exact Venus/Sun conjunction on the descendant but it's also conjunct mercury and neptune. Of course, you should ensure that people do not take advantage of your generosity. When this transit occurs, the best thing to do is to immerse yourself in physical activity or do something that makes you feel good and fills you with peace. They may seem to be the same in this relationship. We pamper each other a lot, and we balance each other out. A pretty packed Aquarius on the 12th House cusp so that old mover-n-shaker, Uranus, rules the house of the collective, the hidden, spirit. I've observed that a Sun, Mercury, Venus conjunction in the composite indicates the most loving relationship of your life. Sun conjunct Mars persons are better at games that require physical strength and force. The only things that could seriously dampen it is outer planets afflicting it, especially uranus . The Saturn/Jupiter/Moon part in Libra/8th house though. Theres much to consider, including how your natal charts compare against the composite. The influence of Mars is to give energy or aggression, and the Sun and Mars in conjunction gives us energy to get out there and do stuff. The sun symbolizes the active part of consciousness, our ego, the desire for success and self-affirmation in the profession. As a woman with a Sun conjunct Mars aspect in your natal chart, you are likely to be someone extremely passionate, expressive, driven, courageous and fiercewhen it comes to supporting yourself as well as the others around you. Composite sun semisquare, opposite, or semisextile venus yields the same exact interpretation in Google as composite sun conjunct venus. Since Sun conjunct Mars gives action-oriented people not afraid to go after what they want, this is an exciting foundation for a dynamic relationship synastry chart. It's . A couple of years ago (during my saturn return) we broke up, for a month or so. I also got fed up with enabling his alcoholism 6H Scorpio Jupiter/Neptune conjunction a big secret withheld from family and co-workers. Man's Mars Square Woman's Pluto. We have an Aquarius Moon in the 1st house and live in an Aquarian state (per founding date of state). They often act on a whim, meaning that they do as they feel in the moment. Chances are, each of you would give a very different answer to the questions, What does this relationship mean to you? and Where are you headed as a couple? Put your heads and your hearts together and come up with a compromise. There might be a slight power struggle, but you see that more intensely with Pluto. Virgo in a nutshell,ruling small animals. Were great at changing and evolving. Are trines better in synastry and conjunctions better in composite charts? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Moon Trine Mars In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry, Sun Conjunct Jupiter In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry. That can be a blessing, but it can also be a disaster. We eventually just stopped talking, well he stopped talking and I eventually stopped caring. CompositeChart:SunJupiterAspects What To Expect When Saturn Transits Venus or Mars in Leo, Six Planets Changing Signs In March, 2023: Dates & Details, Pluto Transiting the 8th house in Aquarius, All Planets Direct For Three Months In 2023, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. Astrology says Neptune is usually the culprit. i wondered why, through all the struggles we stick together. Hi! Our chart shows great compatibility but I dont know what this placement means for the longterm. Thats 12th house. Composite Chart: Sun - Mars Aspects. I always wondered why I was able to become such good friends with my crushes. Our home is our cave. I definitely would on the wedding chart. In this period, you wont be open to compromises. They have to find a way to express that energy in a creative way because there's a risk of fiery competition and arguments. Saturn is squared Sun, Venus, Neptune, Mercury and trine Uranus. Instead, Sun conjunct Mars people are impulsive, brutal, and blunt. I really do love this person and I don't know how to deal with all this neptunian energy. But you can work through it with communication. It can get messy sometimes when feelings overflow One thing I have used astrology to in the intimate department though, is using the Saturn energy proactively to simply go slow. I had Sun conjunct moon with my ex cappy in our composite. Sun conjunct Mars individuals' lives are filled with drama and change. It can be marvelous or disastrous. Sun Conjunct Juno in Synastry This is a wonderful aspect. In arguments, the Sun person has a tendency to be self-righteous, and the Mars person tends to be very touchy, defensive, and combative. We have lived in 11 homes in 16 years, owning 5 of them. If there is 100% honesty and transparency then it could actually be very healing but if people hold back, then the opposite can be true. They get the things done and dont play games. The goal is to identify the function of a connection. For instance, if one partner expresses the qualities the other hates about themselves, they could resent them. Therefore, you must try to maintain a calm attitude at all costs otherwise there could be some very explosive situations caused by your touchiness.. Sun Conjunct Mars Synastry: With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, there is a strong physical connection. One is inner energy, and one represents outer energy. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Faozinc by 2x. THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. There is undeniable physical chemistry between them. We deal in depth. My north node/ASC is conjunct his moon and opposite his sun and Mercury. The composite chart, on the other hand, relates to the destiny of the couple. When the planet that rules the Sun in one chart forms a conjunction with the Mars placement in the other chart, this can imply similar and matching energiesbetween the two of you. You must also learn to tone down your authority in a situation so that others feel more comfortable. He's really trying to figure it out too. Could I have the birth data for you and the guy you consider the love of your life? The willpower also gets a boost during this transit. With Composite Sun sextile or trine the Composite Moon, this gives compatible energy and helps you to get along well. One is inner energy, and one represents outer energy. Both partners are struggling for power, each hoping to defeat the other. Since this energy needs you to shape it, you can turn it into something useful and productive. There can be a lot of passion in this relationship that needs an outlet. The Moon is the most instinctive side Copyright 2000-2015 Our composite Capricorn Ascendant had its ruler in guess where? I am not sure if Saturn in a stellium is a bad thing as a result and I am starting to think is a good sign of a lasting committed relationship. If Sun conjunct Mars natives dont channel their energy right, they risk ending up on the wrong side and becoming bullies. I recently met someone with whom I have composite sun in pisces, on the cusp of the 12th house. Pluto scorpio in 1st. It is also a fruitful relationship, and there can be a lot done when the two are together. And in the Davison, it falls in the 5th. Posts: 4148From: MiamiRegistered: Aug 2011. She was the first person ever who I told about the abuse I endured with the ex. Guess its the 7th house part. You are militant and warlike with good organizing skills and leadership ability. As lilith in synastry, you never get over that person no matter how toxic they are. Thank you for your insight Can you tell me from this synastry who do you think is more attracted generally? At the beginning of this relationship, both people may feel magnetically drawn to each other and . A Sun conjunct Mars aspect, due to the immense levels of combined energy and the strong sense of protection, spirit, passion and aggression, can often leave you feeling quite angry and frustrated. It seems that an 8th house Sun in the composite seems to be a pattern for me. Your Mars sign will indicate how you take the initiative, experience sexuality, defend yourself and attack others. his Mars was conjunct my Sun in synastry as well. I am a Pisces. This is interesting as these two planets work together harmoniously. What i do see is a trine to moon and venus from s-turn and because of it, it also sextile's the sun. Yet, once they get what they wanted so much, they will likely lose all the interest. That sounds very interesting! Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: Without a doubt, the two of you rouse strong energies within one another, and you will have to learn how to manage conflict, passion, and anger in a creative way. Moon Conjunct Venus will never stop loving each other. Grrr, I am not even usually that irrational (okay, maybe a little. Being a man with a Sun conjunct Mars aspect can result in confidence, courage, protective instincts, passion, ambition, creativity and strong instinctive urges. We want to own cats, not kids ? In a Composite chart of a couple has Cancer rising then they will look like a married couple and feel at home with each other. Weve been friends for a long time, and we took our sweet time in coming together; this is at the core of everything. Considering that you also have strong impulsive reactions, you might need to take some time to allow yourself to cool down or find a way to healthily express your anger. Even if you might lose some energy in some kinds of situations, you are never one to back down from a challenge, rather enjoying people and events that make you question your instincts. And of course not only 1 cat, but 2. CompositeChart:MoonMarsAspects This can manifest physically or verbally, causing pain to the people around you. You are not destined to have a peaceful, placid coexistence! When the composite Sun is conjunct composite Neptune: There is a magical or spiritual quality to your relationship that can be very appealing at first, but ultimately challenging if you are not careful. planets that are very slow? Hah! I think we level one another off with the composite earth. My other friend also swears her boyfriend is her soulmate and they also have a love stellium with most composite planets conjunct. I think another thing that is significant in the composite is the 2 t-squares. (him), some fire each and no earth but for the nodes. Mars reprezents energy, will, activity, courageous, lust, challanger, motivation, impulsivity, direct, establisment of ego, force, effort etc Chiron reprezents help, teaching, healing, understanding, scientist, experience, love, wisdom, punishment/reward, lessons, protection etc. Correspondingly, we live (and shine) in the shadow. In Sun in 1th in cancer. You can show how you feel more openly, and you can find one another to be pleasant and accommodating. CompositeChart:SunPlutoAspects My husbands and my composite chart is Aries sun in the 7H. How the square between Venus and Mars shows up in a couple's composite chart Welcome to Lindaland ( Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Mars in Composite . Spouse and I have a 4th house Taurus Sun. With the Sun in conjunction with Mars, you have a natural leader who enjoys increasing responsibilities as you move through your life. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. But the same applies to people in their lives, which is not always without reason. Its love, passion, and a happy world together. Author: Topic: Mars in Composite: C1ND3R Knowflake . The Sun conjunct Mars combination gives you the ability to take initiative and remain persistent in getting what you want out of life. Or sth like that. Interesting it seems to reflect our composite Moon even more than our composite Sun. Like the planets cruising around the Sun, we drive our energy from our Sun sign. This aspect gives you the ability to make things happen in the world and to draw people toward you through your leadership qualities. Ugh. It has such big extremesmore than any other planet and I really think how it plays out depends on how it is aspected but also on the consciousness of the people involved. ohhhhhmy v/s We have stellium in 12th Virgo- Sun,moon, mercury, juno and Saturn all conjunct with eachother. The Sun conjunct Mars aspect is beneficial yet relatively uncommon, due to the rotation of the planets. "Yours is likely a very strong and powerful relationship. They also enjoy being in the presence of other people especially if they are the leaders. In the older style composite our Sun conjuncts Saturn right on the CAP ASC. We play with words and engage in witty laughs. How do you see it manifest? CompositeChart:MoonUranusAspects The stellium I had with guy I met at 19 which was my first truly meaningful relationship with opposite sex (pluto-mars-sun), I also have a sun-mars-saturn stellium with him and a jupiter-mars-sun stellium. It is the period to focus on keeping harmony and nurturing tolerance. I feel smothered by mars Venus conjunction. I am new to astrology but I think that that i can say the 8th house theme of transformation and intense sexual energy, depth etc has always been the predominant on our path.

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